in every workplace
healthy air
in every workplace
healthy air


ATEX is an abbreviation for the French phrase ATmosphères EXplosibles and is used as a synonym for two European guidelines in relation to explosion danger under atmospheric circumstances.
Since July 1 2003, organizations in the EU that contain an explosion hazard must meet the new ATEX 137 guideline (guideline 1999/92/EG). The other guideline is the ATEX 95 guideline (guideline 94/EG), this guideline is especially for equipment and extraction installation that are used in places where there is risk of explosions.
Explosive atmospheres can arise due to flammable gases, vapor, mist and dust. If enough of it is combined in one space and mixed in with ambient air (oxygen) and a source of ignition, this can lead to an explosion. Explosions can be fatal, cause serious injuries and/or large material damage. By eliminating one of these three factors, explosions can be prevented.

Principals for explosion safety:

  • Primary – preventing the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere by taking away or keeping away all flammable substances and/or oxygen
  • Secondary – Eliminating sources of ignition (special casings, making them intrinsically safe)/li>
  • Tertiary – In extreme cases, allowing explosions to occur in a controlled setting and limiting the consequences through explosion resistant constructions (e.g. rupture disks or flame suppressors)./li>

Dust Solution offers a wide range of products that adhere to this ATEX guideline.