Use less face masks now it’s time for source extraction

Use less face masks now it’s time for source extraction

Use less face masks now it’s time for source extraction. Source extraction with a Dust Solutions vacuum cleaner and suction casings are the perfect replacement for respiratory protection in the construction industry. Our extraction and filter combinations eliminate the need for face masks by using a 99.995% filtration source extraction (Hepa13). In order to minimise exposure to carcinogenic substances on site, the use of vacuum cleaners is necessary. When used correctly, exposures can be reduced up to 1400 times (woodworking) and up to 8,000 times (working with concrete-limestone).



The use of vacuum cleaners is prescribed for all work in the construction and wood industry. This is the only way to minimize exposure to the carcinogenic substances respirable quartz and hardwood to an acceptable level.


The government and labour inspection  enforce this.



As a true professional you place high requirements on your equipment. We from Dustcontrol have been involved with air cleaning for more than 40 years, and we supply dust extractors and air cleaners for all types of job. No matter what you choose, you can be sure of getting a truly professional machine that’s made with your work and your health in mind.

are many vacuum cleaners on the market, each with its own specifications, advantages, disadvantages and price. It is not always easy to make a choice.  Vacuum cleaner classification and design criteria can help you make a choice. Dust Solutions supplies A-label Dustcontrol vacuum cleaners and suction cases for all your electrical and pneumatic hand tools. These unit are allowed to be used 8 hours per day and are TNO certified.


Dustcontrol’s unique three-stage cyclone filter systems are better suited to capture  dust (grinding, sawing, gravel, etc.). And have a very low cost of ownership.



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Dustcontrol DC 2900-C

Vacuumcleaner Dustcontrol DC2900-C

Suction casing

Suction casing source extraction

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Suction casing grinder

Source extraction grinder