Extractor installations and vacuuming systems for the aviation industry
A clean work environment when working in the aviation industry is better for the health of your employers and clean production machines increase the efficiency and productivity and decrease the level of wear and tear. Extractor installations are necessary to reduce dangers such as risk of explosion. Cleaning the extractor installations ensures that for example grinding dust, sawing dust, fumes, welding fumes or oil mist is really removed and collected in a central location. Dust Solutions offers extractor installations for the aviation industry that are separated in vacuuming systems that are equipped with a filter and filter installations.
Cleaning with a Dustcontrol central extractor system
The Dustcontrol central extractor systems for the aviation industry makes it easier for your employees to clean their work space and to keep it clean. Cleaning becomes fun if you use the right equipment. Dust Solutions can advise you in choosing the right equipment.
Extractor installations equipped with cartridge filters
The advantage of Sult cartridge filters for the aviation industry in general is that you can reach a relatively large filtration surface and high degree of filtration in a relatively small casing. Dust Solutions can deliver all necessary filter systems for the aviation industry. The applications are endless thanks to their modular construction. There are not very many dust problems that cannot be solved with a cartridge filter.
Extractor installation for oil mist and emulsion mist
When spinning, milling, drilling, grinding and sanding different metals, certain cooling liquid are used of which a portion is released as mist or smoke. This has a negative effect on the air quality; it is harmful to breathe in this smoke or this mist. The solution for this problem is a Plymoth oil mist filter. The Dutch Solutions oil mist filters are directly attached to the machines, so oil and emulsion mist are extracted straight from the source. Many closed machines already have a standard extractor connection. You can choose a single filter or a central installation. We would be happy to advise you on this.
Multiple connection points and various hose lengths
Our vacuuming systems for the aviation industry are cable of taking on very long hose lengths and distances and are available with multiple connection points. The dust is transported through the system with high or low negative pressure (suction power) and high or low air speeds from the point of suction to the installation. The central installations consists of a filter and a fan, turbopump or side channel pump. The suction power and capacity are determined on the basis of the usage.
The filtered air can even be led back into the space (recirculation). This is possible for all extractor installations. This allows you to save on heating costs.